Dressage Horse Trot Pendant Large
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Tags: Dressage Horse, dressage horse jewelry, equestrian, equestrian jewelry, equestrian necklace, gift, gift jewelry, horse jewelry, horse lover, horse lover jewelry, jewery gift, jewlery, ladies gift, ladies gifts, necklace, pendants, rider, riding, Rose Bronze, sterling pendant
SKU: DH-Trt-1P-1
Category: Dressage Horse, Equestrain Designs, Horse Design Pendants and Medallions, Horse Designs, Tempi Design Studio Home, Unique Equine Jewelry and Gifts
Our very popular design series created during the pandemic, Dressage Horse Trot Pendant Large. This version is a large rectangular pendant with the corner tips snipped off. It measures 1 1/2 inch tall x 11/16 inch wide, and 2 inches overall with the bail. The bail opening is 7 mm round to accomodate any favorite bead necklace, chain or leather cord you may have. The horse wears a full bridle wih fine detail, a braided mane and full forehand has the front left leg raised. Available in Sterling Silver or Rose Bronze, with or without a leather neck cord. This looks stunning on a slightly longer hanging piece.