Irish Coin Cuff Link
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Tags: Cuff Link, Cuff Links, equestrian, Equestrian Accessory, equestrian jewelry, gift, gift jewelry, horse gift, horse lover, horse lover jewelry, horse rider, horses, jewery gift, jewlery, mens gifts, ponies, pony, rider, riding
SKU: Irsh-C-CF-Lk
Category: Animal Designs, CUFF Links, Equestrain Designs, Horse Designs, Specialty Designs/Accessories, Unique Equine Jewelry and Gifts
Tempi offers great Men's Cuff Links!! Here is our Irish Coin downsized a bit, but with preserved raised detail. The iconic Irish Horse and Gaelic verbage make these a favorite. This cuff link measures 3/4 inch round and are offered in sterling silver. The cuff link has a moveable "torpedo " back to easily fit the shirt opening. In the photos you can see the moveable piece that fit though your shirt, then with a push, the bar lies horizontal and the cuff link is in place. All sterling backs. Another great gift!!